Switzerland: Labour Day for Rojava
Demonstrations and rallies were held in 20 cantons of Switzerland to mark May 1 Workers' Day.
Demonstrations and rallies were held in 20 cantons of Switzerland to mark May 1 Workers' Day.
Swiss and migrants living in Switzerland gathered in 20 cantons to join over 50 rallies and demos to celebrate Labor Day. The largest celebration this year was in Zurich and Geneva, like every year. Kurdish and Turkish organizations saluted the resistance by the Kurdish Struggle for Freedom, and condemned the AKP-MHP fascist regime.
Workers, trade unions, NGOs and political parties that come together in actions and events highlighted issues such as the elimination of salary disparities between men and women and the improvement of working conditions.
Like every year, the main center for Labor Day celebrations was Zurich. More than 10 thousand people gathered in Helvetiaplatz in the morning and walked from there to the rally site.
Demands such as the elimination of salary inequalities and the improvement of working conditions were brought forward by political parties and trade unions. Anarchist and alternative groups on the other hand put their emphasis on the capitalist system's exploitation of human labor and stressed that another is possible and can be achieved through resistance.
Rallying with their own colors, flags and banners Kurdish and Turkish left organizations condemned the AKP-MHP fascist regime and chanted slogans supporting the resistance in Rojava and Afrin.
Thousands of workers and laborers joined the rally in Geneva.
The Kurdish people and their friends participated to the rally with the PKK, YPG, YPJ flags and posters of the Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan.
The anarchists and young people from alternative circles were by large the most colourful, noisy and spectacular section of the rally. They chanted slogans like: "No state, no system, no manager, anarchism and the struggle of the peoples" and "an alternative life for capitalism is possible".
In Winterthur Labor Day was also celebrated with a rally that was joined by the Kurdish people and Swiss friends.
The Swiss left and anarchist groups were carrying YPJ, YPG flags and burned a model of a Turkish tank to give a message of solidarity with Afrin.
While the slogans against the Turkish state were applauded by those who participated in the march, the speeches emphasized that there was a resistance in the name of humanity in Rojava.
In the rallies organized in Bern, Basel and many other cities, Erdogan's fascist regime was condemned and Rojava and Kurdistan resistance were saluted.