Four Syriac-Assyrian organizations and parties in Sweden issued a joint statement condemning the Turkish state attacks against Kurds and the usurpation of Kurdish city municipalities.
The statement was sent to Swedish media and said the Turkish state launched an extensive operation against Amed, Mardin and Van municipalities, removing mayors from office.
The Syriac-Assyrian organizations said many elected city councillors and HDP members were arrested: “It is clear that the Turkish state aims to silence democratic forces and target minorities for fighting for their rights with these arbitrary practices.”
The organizations said retaliation against democratic forces and the denial of non-Turkish minorities are in conflict with the fundamental principles of rule of law: “As such, we condemn the ousting of elected representatives and the arrests.”
The organizations called on all democratic forces to take action and to condemn the Turkish state attacks against elected representatives of the people, as well as on the Swedish government and the European Union to stop accession negotiations with Turkey.
The statement written in Swedish was signed by the Sweden Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO), Mesopotamia Freedom Party (GHM), Mesopotamia People’s Congress and Mesopotamia Solidarity Association.