Tally of detentions and arrests rises

The tally of detentions and arrests during the political genocide operations against the HDP and DBP rises.

Detentions and arrests targeting Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) continue. 7 people have been detained in Mersin, bringing the total number of detentions in the city to 100. 46 people including Akdeniz Co-mayor Fazıl Türk have also been issued detention warrants.


Detention warrants are reportedly hidden from lawyers, who are left in the dark during the prosecution process. Below are the names of the 69 people that have been detained in Mersin city center:

Fatma Ölmez, Ali Tanrıverdi, Gülten Demir, Aydın Özdemir, Sevda Karahan, Fadıl Çitil, Ayşe Aydoğan, Mehtap Sili, Ali Atsız, Mehmet Emin Şengül, Aysel Sarıkaya, Leyla Bakzrak, Feyzullah İnan, İbrahim Çakan, Nazan Dündar, Zozan Çakan, Erdal Sarıkaya, Eyüp Ercan, Sabri Aytuğ, Şemsettin Erdemci, Baran, Fahriye Cengiz, Sadun Doğan, Fatmagül Demirtağ, Mustafa Salış, Selman Günbat, Şükrü Alkanlı, Raziye Soner, Sedat Akbay, Salih Akti, Kahraman Oğuz, Selahattin Karakeçili, Bedriye Denli, Mahmut Karabulut, Çiğdem Göksu, Nuriye Arslan, Baran Vural, Mustafa Dişbudak, Bahattin Eksik, Bahattin Bektaş, Songül Dişbudak, Abdullah Çapar, Medeni Engin, Cengiz Macit, Leyla Erdoğan, Nizam Bozkurt, Ferhat Tarhan, Cüneyt Takuş, Emine Meral Varololak, Hıdır Kılıçtepe, Selim Ekici, Sedat Kalabay, Mustafa Özbay, Gülistan Turan, Evin Zapsu, Hıdır Yurtsever, Ebedin Aktaş, İbrahim Cebe, Leyla Akgül, Abdulkerim Avcıoğlu, Mesut yılmaz, Hıdır Berk, Ömer Serin, Mehmet Bakrak, Saffet Yıldırım, Mehmet Emin Sungur, Nizamettin Bozkurt, and Akdeniz Co-mayor Yüksel Mutlu.

Below are the names of the 20 people that have been detained in Tarsus:

HDP District Co-presidents Nazım Aslan and Halime Çiçek Mehmet Aydın, Nafiz Bayrak, Ramazan Paçal, Murat Öztürk, Muhammet Yavuz, Muzaffer Güzeler, Vedat Kinanç, Ebamüslüm Temur, Aziz Nergiz, Faik Altun, Kazım Karakurt, Siraç Karadal, Mehmet Tekin, Ahmet Kızmaz, Giyasettin Gümüş, Sultan Erol, Abdulselam Dayan, and Ahmet Akbudak.

Names of the 11 people that have also been detained have not been clarified.


More than 40 people were detained during the operations targeting the HDP in Hatay. Anti-terror units raided several houses in Hatay’s Erzin, Kırıkhan and Dörtyol districts, and detained more than 40 HDP members including 3 administrators.


7 of the 32 DBP members that had been detained in Mardin 24 days ago have been charged with "membership in an organization" and arrested. The arrested DBP members include district Co-presidents, and have been sent to Mardin E Type Closed Prison after prosecutors used anonymous witness testimonies to prosecute the politicians.