Teachers in East Kurdistan take to streets for their rights
Teachers have taken to the streets in many cities of East Kurdistan demanding an end to all kinds of discrimination and a decent salary.
Teachers have taken to the streets in many cities of East Kurdistan demanding an end to all kinds of discrimination and a decent salary.
Teachers have taken to the streets in many cities of East Kurdistan demanding an end to all kinds of discrimination and a decent salary.
Mass actions were held on 16 April in East Kurdistan that suffers from a serious economic crisis and the repression of the Iranian regime. The teachers held rallies in many cities demanding an increase to their salary to a decent amount and the end of discrimination to which they are exposed in East Kurdistan. The teachers also demanded the release of imprisoned teachers. The protest actions of the teachers were held mainly in Ilam, Meriwan, Saqiz and Sine.
There was a high participation of women in the actions, while police and soldiers took intensive security measures.