The Democratic Society Congress issued a written statement and said, “On the anniversary of the September 12 fascist coup, one of the darkest and most shameful parts of the history of Turkey, we condemn those who implemented this coup.”
The statement continued: “The September 12 coup massacred the developing democratization process with the trials, executions, the arrest of over one million people and the crimes against humanity committed against the press, unions, NGOs, women, youth and the Kurdish people.
With the constitution they wrote on the basis of oppression, force and violence and made the society ‘approve’, the coup has spilled over to this day.
The spirit of the September 12 coup has been embraced by the AKP-MHP fascism with its practices, policies and constitution. The AKP-MHP fascism wants to continue as an updated synthesis of all coups, including September 12 and March 12.
Those who implemented the September 12 fascist coup and those who internalize and adapt it to today won’t be able to avoid answering to our peoples.
With this consciousness and faith, we condemn once more in the 39th year of the coup those who implemented the September 12 fascist coup and those who supported it.”