"The Colombia Peace Agreement is being seriously damaged"
The letter is in response to the objections announced by President Iván Duque to the Statutory Law of the JEP.
The letter is in response to the objections announced by President Iván Duque to the Statutory Law of the JEP.
Members of the negotiating team of the Colombian State and of the FARC-EP, congressmen of diverse political formations, ex-ministers, victims, academics and leaders of civil society, sent a letter to António Guterrez, Secretary General of the UN. The letter is in response to the objections announced by President Iván Duque to the Statutory Law of the JEP.
Members of the delegations that on behalf of the Colombian government and the FARC-EP elaborated the Peace Agreement; congressmen from the peace commissions of the Senate of the Republic and the House of Representatives; victims of the armed conflict, academics and leaders of representative organizations and institutions of Colombian civil society, expressed in a letter to António Gutérrez, Secretary General of the United Nations, their "concern for the attempts to seriously damage the implementation of the Agreement, the structure and the functioning of the JEP, as well as the system designed to honor the rights of the victims."
The letter is in response to the objections made yesterday by the president of Colombia, Iván Duque Márquez, to the Statutory Law of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, JEP, despite the fact that this was already under review by the Constitutional Court.
"Many of the objections that have been raised are aimed at ignoring decisions that the Constitutional Court took last year on that law. In other words, resorting to the figure of the objection by inconvenience, there is an attempt to ignore the decision through which the Court declared constitutional some norms of the law, with the condition that they were interpreted in the way as the sentence indicates", the advocates of the peace agreement said in their the letter.
The reason why the letter was sent to Gutérrez has to do with the fact that the then president of Colombia brought to the United Nations two copies of the peace agreement that the Colombian government signed with the FARC-EP guerrillas “for the end of the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace”.
One copy was delivered to the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, and the other to the Security Council of the United Nations, as it had been agreed by the negotiating teams.
Finally, the signatories of the letter ask Secretary Gutérrez and the Security Council of the UN, to which they have sent copy of the letter, to continue to strictly monitoring the Colombian situation. "We are aware of the significance that the success of the peace process and its model of transitional justice have for our country and for the world," they say.