The International Days of Action have started
In the morning of Friday, September 6, actions have started all around the world in solidarity with the revolution of Rojava and against Turkish fascism, through the RiseUp4Rojava campaign.
In the morning of Friday, September 6, actions have started all around the world in solidarity with the revolution of Rojava and against Turkish fascism, through the RiseUp4Rojava campaign.
Today and tomorrow, people from Switzerland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Spain, South Corea, Quebec, North Eastern Syria, Italy, Greece, Germany, France, Catalunya, Bulgaria, Brazil, and Australia amongst other countries, will make actions, which go from deploying banners to marching and blocking embassies as well as capitalist activities, in order to make the international collaboration of imperialist forces more visible.
Here are some of the announced actions that will take place :
Throughout the weekend :
- The ongoing Disarm Rheinmetall camp in Unterlüß, Germany
- Actions to stop the DSEI Arms Fair in London, UK
On Friday, 6th of September :
- Solidarity gathering in Perth, Australia
- Blocking of the Rheinmetall tank factory in Unterlüß, Germany
- Demonstration in front of the Turkish embassy and 3 consulates in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
- Actions in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Helsingborg and Borlänge against SAAB, SSAB and more companies
- Gatherings in two cities of Greece
- Banners deployed in Norway
- Demonstration in Bari, Italy
- Fireworks launched at Rheinmetall Air Defence in Zurich, Switzerland
- Cine-debate and workshop at the Fabrika Avtonomia in Sofia, Bulgaria
- A demonstration will be held in front of INDRA Headquarters in Barcelona, Catalunya
- Demonstration in Madrid
On Saturday, 7th of September :
- Gathering in Syntagma square of Athens, Greece
- Blocking of the military base of Ghedi, Italy with nuclear weapons inside
- Gathering in Piazza Castello of Torino, Italy
- Solidarity gathering at the Anarchist Bookfair of Halifax, Canada
- Demonstration in Paris, France
- Big demonstrations in UK & Germany
- Demonstrations and actions in Switzerland
- Actions and demonstrations in Sweden