The role of university students in the "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" uprising

The Preparation Committee for the workshop organized by Rojava University and Bremen University students on 4 March has announced the conclusions.

On 04.03.2023 a workshop was organised at the University of Rojava in cooperation with the students of the University of Rojava and the University of Bremen. The panellists of this workshop were journalist, researcher Ammar Goli and activist Chalak Shaho, from Eastern Kurdistan. Student activists from Rojhilat and Iran also sent their messages to the workshop via videos, as they were unable to participate online.

The topic of this workshop was the role of students in the uprisings in Rojhilat and Iran which have been going on for the last 6 months. This uprising, called and defined as the "Peoples' Revolution", started on 16 September with the slogan "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" chanted at the grave of Jina Amini. The impact of this uprising, which spread throughout Iran with the participation of all the components of Iran, went beyond the borders of Iran and the Middle East. The aim of this workshop was to discuss the role of students in this uprising against the Islamic Republic and capitalist modernity with the participation of students from Rojava, Rojhilat, Iran and various countries and what kind of support and attitude should be given to these students fighting against the regime.

The following points were raised in the discussions of this workshop:

In the history of the uprisings in Iran, especially after the 70s, it is seen that the role of students has always been at the leading level, both in the Kurdish society and in other societies and structures in Iran. After the 2011 uprisings, which were called the "Peoples' Spring" by anti-system movements, especially the Kurdish freedom movement, Iranian society has now voiced its discontent with a strong voice. The people wanted to break the yoke of strict repression and fear on all societies and structures of Iran. After 2018, activities and demonstrations against the Iranian regime have been organised almost every year, and these activities and demonstrations have become continuous. In such a situation, with the murder of Jina Amini, the representative of the three oppressed identities (Kurdish, woman and Sunni) in Iran, these popular uprisings reached their peak and have been continuing for the last 6 months.

Turning Universities and Prisons into a Space of Resistance as a Way to Break the Regime of Terror: Under Iran's repressive regime, the university has become a prison for students. All areas of the university are used by the regime and its supporters for propaganda and serving the regime. However, this revolt enabled students to turn the university into a space of resistance for freedom. Of course, the attacks on students did not decrease and prisons were filled with students. But despite this, students have turned prisons into universities. This tells us that students are breaking the chains and walls of fear built by the Iranian regime.

The problem of understanding the slogan or idea of "Women, Life, Freedom": In terms of this slogan there is a problem of understanding both in Iranian society and in the international community. This is because the origin of this idea cannot be openly and courageously expressed and discussed. In addition, some individuals and groups, who are in the race for power and whose main goal is not the freedom of society, do not clarify this slogan and the idea behind it and carry out activities against it. However, Kurdish society knows very well that the source of this thought and philosophy is Öcalan, the leader of the Kurdish people who has been isolated for 25 years in a Turkish Prison. This philosophy aims at the freedom of society through the freedom of women and thus, magically, this formula contains the possibility of solving all the problems of society. For this reason, Iranian society and the new generations, all of whom are students, have been convinced by this philosophy and thought and have made it the main slogan of their activities and lives. Only such an idea can survive and bring change to the Iranian regime, which puts women and society in a cage of repression.

Participation of Female Students in the Uprising: One of the most important features of this uprising is the strong participation of women. The influence, leadership and participation of students in this uprising is very strong. However, among the students, female students are leading in universities and schools.

Building the Culture and Art of Revolt: Students' activities are not limited to just demonstrations against the regime. It is evident from the variety and diversity of student demonstrations that this revolt has created its own culture and philosophy. This, in turn, derives its source from the enrichment and practice of their own ideas and philosophy. This idea and philosophy formulate itself in the philosophy of "Women, Life, Freedom".

Attitude and Support of Group Components: In the course of the workshop, it was discussed what kind of support and attitude students who oppose the system of capitalist modernity should have, and the following conclusions were drawn:

1- For students in the East and Iran, efforts should be made to build solidarity networks. We therefore call on all anti-system students to join forces and form a Student Support Initiative for the students participating in the uprising under the slogan "Women, Life, Freedom". Anyone who is committed to the freedom of women and society can join this initiative. This is necessary for international support.

2- The University of Rojava is ready to host students from Rojhilat and Iran who are expelled from universities during the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprisings so that they can continue their education. We consider this decision to be important in two aspects:

  • Rojava gives the Kurds the opportunity to strengthen their national support.
  • For people from other groups, this decision is an international obligation and is in full harmony with the spirit and philosophy of the Democratic Nation.

3- Finally, we dedicate this workshop to the martyrs of the uprising "Women, Life, Freedom", Jina Amini and 10-year-old Kiyan Pîr Felek.

Long live the revolution of "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi"

Long live the architect of the philosophy of "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi"