Thousands celebrate Newroz in Paris

A Newroz celebration with the motto "We will prevail" was held in the Sarcelles district of Paris in France. Thousands of people participated in the celebration.

A Newroz celebration with the motto "We will prevail" was held in the Sarcelles district of Paris in France. Thousands of people participated in the celebration.

Families of Ümit Yalçın, who had lost his life during the train accidents in Champigny in the 2015 Newroz, and other martyrs lit the Newroz fire this year.

KONGRA-GEL Co-President Remzi Kartal spoke during the celebration and congratulated the Newroz of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and Kurdish people. Kartal emphasized the attacks of the AKP and MHP fascism against the gains of the Kurdish Freedom Struggle, and said "The April 16 referendum is an opportunity for Kurdish people, all the Kurdistanis living in France should vote 'No' and inflict a heavy blow against Erdoğan.”

The messages of Socialist Party parliamentarian François Pipponni, France Kurdistan Association Representative Pascal Torre, HDK-France, MLKP, FEDA, CİK, and Free Youth Paris representatives were read during the celebration.
Artists Bülent Turan, Hivron, Şengül Pak, Hozan Maruf, Koma Zelal, Zazlooz, Koroya Zarokan and Govend also performed during the Newroz celebration in Paris.