Timochenko writes open letter to Colombian president Duque

The President of the FARC party, Rodrigo Londoño Timochenko, sent an open letter to the President of Colombia, Iván Duque, in which he denounced the persecution of the former signatories of the peace agreement.

The President of the People's Revolutionary Alternative Force (FARC) party Rodrigo Londoño, sent an open letter to the President of Colombia, Iván Duque, in which he denounced the persecution of the former signatories of the peace agreement.

"In my opinion, the death of our partner César Darío Herrera, in the immediate vicinity of the territorial area of ​​reinstatement and training of Santa Lucia, rural area of ​​Ituango, in Antioquia shows the intolerable nature of the persecution that we have been suffering as the signatories of the final agreement of peace," Londoño pointed out.

Londoño stressed that the statements of some officials such as Interior Minister Nancy Patricia Gutierrez, who said that the agreement signed in Havana is a "semi-faulted" process due to the lack of willingness of former combatants to comply with agreements.

In addition, he called to reflect "deeply" on the situation that occurs not only in Ituango and Antoquia, where 25 mansalva murders are registered against reintegrated ex-combatants, but throughout the country.

The ex-combatant of the FARC-EP Darío Herrera was killed by unknown assailants last Tuesday in the municipality of Ituango, in the north of Antioquia, in the northwest of the country by strangers.

According to a report from the Institute for Development and Peace Studies (INDEPAZ), the number of people killed in Colombia, after the signing of the peace agreement in November 2016, is 627 social leaders.