Tuğluk: Roboski is a deep wound in the heart of Kurdish people

Tuğluk: Roboski is a deep wound in the heart of Kurdish people

Thousands went to village of Roboski, in Uludere district of Şırnak province, to commemorate 34 Kurdish civilians who were killed in the bombardment of Turkish warplanes on 28 December 2011.

Amongst the thousands at Roboski were Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) co-chairs Gültan Kışanak and Selahattin Demirtaş, Democratic Society Congress (DTK) co-chairs Ahmet Türk and Aysel Tuğluk, BDP and Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) MPs, BDP provincial and district organisations, mayors from the region, candidates and representatives of civil society organisations who travelled together in a convoy from in front of the BDP office in Şırnak.

On arrival at Roboski the crowd of thousands firstly went to the cemetery to pay their respects at the graves of the 34 victims of the massacre. The Dayiken Şemiye (Saturday Mothers) and families of those who died at Maraş, Sivas, Lice, Sündüs, Gezi and Gever were at the front of the crowd, along with BDP and HPD MPs and local mayors. "Ey Raqip" (Kurdish national anthem) was sung and slogans such as "martyrs are immortal", "Murderer Erdoğan must resign" and "the murdering state will be held to account" were chanted.

Speaking at the commemoration, HDP co-chair Ertuğrul Kürkçü remarked that the AKP government has taken no steps to find the perpetrators of the Roboski massacre within the two years that have passed since, adding that; “You can no more hide the murderers. We, as Kurdish and Turkish peoples, announce that the PM Erdoğan is guilty for the killing of 34 lives and he will account to the people."

Speaking after, DTK Co-chair Aysel Tuğluk said she commemorated all Kurdistan martyrs with respect, and promised to remain loyal to their memories. Tuğluk emphasized that the Roboski massacre was a deep wound in the heart of the Kurdish people, adding; "Our sorrows did not cease, but got heavier”.

BDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş pointed out that the Kurdish people has faced a massacre policy since the foundation of the Turkish republic, adding that it was Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who gave the order for Roboski.

On the other hand, Niran Encü (42), mother of one of the 34 Kurdish citizens killed in the massacre, died after suffering a heart attack during the commemoration at the second anniversary of the massacre. Mother Encü was taken to Uludere State Hospital but couldn't survive despite all the efforts.