Turkey-backed gangs set Jarablus market on fire
Turkey-backed gangs have set the Jarablus market on fire and are forcibly displacing large numbers of inhabitants, settling their own families in their homes.
Turkey-backed gangs have set the Jarablus market on fire and are forcibly displacing large numbers of inhabitants, settling their own families in their homes.
Gang groups backed by the Turkish state and military continue their inhumane and savage practices such as destruction, pillaging, displacement and burning down civilian settlements in the invaded areas of the Shehba Canton.
According to local sources, the gangs have set the Jarablus city market on fire after the tradespeople here opposed their practices like plundering, abduction and use of arms against the inhabitants.
On the other hand, the gang group called Liwa Sultan Mihemed Fatih are reported to be forcibly displacing the people in order to settle their own families in their homes in the Arab village of Fixe on the eastern countryside of Aleppo.
4 inhabitants of the village were reportedly kidnapped for wanting their homes back from the gangs that seized them, and their whereabouts is not known. The local people stated that these 4 villagers have been kidnapped by the gangs who accused them of being spies of the Syrian regime.