Turkey releases 39 ISIS suspects in Antep
39 people arrested in the ISIS trials were released yesterday in Antep.
39 people arrested in the ISIS trials were released yesterday in Antep.
The wife of Yunus Durmaz, who is known as the suicide bomber who planned the Suruç and October 10 Ankara attacks, was among the suspects released in the hearing held yesterday in Antep High Criminal Court No:8. Yunus Durmaz, later announced as the “Turkey Emir for ISIS”, had blown himself up during an operation on a house in the Şehitkamil district on May 19, 2016. His wife Nesibe Durmaz was detained by the police then and later arrested.
Several others had been detained as part of the same investigation and an indictment was prepared for 60 of them.
The fifth hearing of the case was held in the Antep High Criminal Court No:8. All suspects and their lawyers completed their defenses.
The court issued an interim verdict to release 39 suspects including Yunus Durmaz’s wife Nesibe Durmaz on probation and continued arrest for 21 suspects including Yunus Durmaz’s brother Hacı Ali Durmaz.