Turkish Airlines blocked at Hamburg airport
At the Hamburg airport, the counter of Turkish Airlines has been blocked to support the resistance of northern Syria against Turkish invasion.
At the Hamburg airport, the counter of Turkish Airlines has been blocked to support the resistance of northern Syria against Turkish invasion.
For about an hour, the Hamburg airport was blocked by activists from various leftist groups to support the resistance of northern Syria against the Turkish war of aggression.
"Every day on which only alibi declarations are made instead of actual pressure and effective sanctions is a day on which the killing continues. That is why we are immediately starting sanctions against Turkey and its war. That is why we are blocking Turkish Airlines. Turkish Airlines is an AKP state-owned corporation and deals with the repair of Turkish bombers. A country of war is not a holiday destination and as long as the German government does not deprive the Turkish airlines of their take-off and landing rights, which is long overdue, we will now take this into our own hands", the activists at Hamburg Airport explained.