Turkish army attacks farmers protesting in Urfa

The farmers in Urfa are protesting the power cuts of DEDAŞ. Turkish soldiers dispersed the farmers using tear gas.

Dozens of farmers came together in Çobanderesi, in Haliliye district of Urfa and closed the Urfa-Mardin highway to traffic with their tractors and vehicles to protest the power cuts of Dicle Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. (DEDAS). The farmers stated that the frequent power cuts damaged their products, and they were mistreated.

The Turkish army dispatched a large group of soldiers to the area where the protest took place. Turkish soldiers dispersed the farmers with tear gas when the farmers refused to end their action. Numerous farmers were affected by the gas. The protesting farmers are still waiting in the action area.

Previously, some farmers had organized demonstrations to protest the power cuts of DEDAŞ in Siverek, Hilvan and Viranşehir districts of the city.