Turkish army launched operation in Amed
Turkish army launched operation in Amed
Turkish army launched operation in Amed
People's Defense Forces Press Office HPG-BIM has released a statement about the recent activities of the Turkish military in north Kurdistan region.
HPG-BIM stated that the Turkish army launched an operation in Amed's Akdağ region and in the Mişkê, Xeylan and Heydan regions of Bingöl's Genç district on 7 November. The statement added that the operation was ended in the afternoon.
HPG-BIM noted that the Turkish military has also laid ambushes and lied in wait in Kapason region of Kağızman district of Kars since 9 November, also exercising intense road control in the area.
According to HPG-BIM, the Turkish army also performed reconnaissance flights with unmanned aerial vehicles in Haftanin and Gare regions of Media Defense Areas on 11-12 November.