Turkish army launches operation in Pervari

Turkish army launches operation in Pervari

The Turkish military has launched an operation in the rural areas of Siirt's Pervari district early Wednesday.

According to the information obtained from local sources, the operation by Turkish soldiers has been launched in the mountainous area between the Beğendik (Bêdar) town and Belenoluk (Heşet) village. Large numbers of troops and military equipment have reportedly been dispatched from Siirt to Pervari.

Local sources report that the mountainous area has been blockaded as helicopters taking off from Siirt and Pervari are transferring soldiers to the Herekol mountain and foothills.

Turkish soldiers are also reported to be performing identity control at checkpoints at the entrance and exit of the city.

In the meantime, local people are reported to be gathering in front of DBP (Party of Democratic Regions, formerly BDP) Siirt office before taking their way to the area of the operation.