Turkish invasion protested in 4 German cities
The invasion carried out by Turkey and its mercenaries in Northern and Eastern Syria was protested in 4 German cities.
The invasion carried out by Turkey and its mercenaries in Northern and Eastern Syria was protested in 4 German cities.
Protests against the Turkish invasion of Northern and Eastern Syria were organised in Nuremberg, Dortmund, Cologne and Mennheim.
Kurds and their friends gathered in front of the Lorenzkirche church in the city center of Nuremberg to condemn the Turkish state's invasion of Rojava.
The rally on Tuesday evening also condemned the Turkish state for carrying out massacres of civilians and pointed out to the importance of the unity and solidarity of the Kurdish people.
Kurds and their friends living in Dortmund gathered to protest the invasion attempts launched by the Turkish state against Rojava.
Tevger a Ciwanên Şoreşger, Jinên Ciwanên Azad, Young Struggle and Defend Rojava opened an information tent next to the Dom Cathedral and the main railway station.
A young woman from the Kommunistische Aufbau said: “The YPG and YPJ fighters laid the foundation for a new life in Rojava. Different peoples established a system based on living together.”
A permanent action to protest the Turkish invasion is organised in Mannheim, promoter by the DKTM in front of the train station.
The representatives of MLKP (Marxist Leninist Communist Party) made a speech in memory of Kerem Pehlivan (Demhat Günebakan), the organisation’s fighter who fell martyr on 9 October, the first day of the Turkish invasion.
The action ended with a theatre performance to condemn the invasion.