UN members visit Amed Metropolitan Municipality
UN Inter-Parliamentary Union Commission members visited the Amed Metropolitan Municipality.
UN Inter-Parliamentary Union Commission members visited the Amed Metropolitan Municipality.
United Nations Inter-Parliamentary Union Commission members arrived in Turkey and visited the Amed Metropolitan Municipality on Wednesday. Co-mayor Selcuk Mizrakli received the delegation by the protocol door and spoke about the importance of the UN’s mission and the significance of the visit for the municipality.
Gabriella Cuevas spoke in the name of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Commission and said Turkey is going through an extraordinary period. Cuevas said they wanted to see what was happening for themselves instead of following events over the media, and added that such meetings are important to understand what has been happening. Cuevas added that there will also be meetings in Istanbul and that they want to meet as many parties as they can to end up with the healthiest information possible.
The visit continued without the press after the speeches.
The Inter-Parliamentary Union Commission members visited the Diyarbakir Governorate before the municipality.