Venezuelan Communication Minister Jorge Rodriguez announced the points agreed, which include the return of lawmakers from the ruling party PSUV to the country's National Assembly, the establishment of a new electoral body, the release of prisoners, supporting the oil industry in favor of buy medicines and food supplies, rejecting the U.S. sanctions and economic blockade against the South American country as well as defending the Esequibo region.
The agreements call for reviewing and adjusting electoral guarantees, and urge the justice system to agree on measures and benefits for some detained citizens.
Rodríguez assured that negotiations with the opposition will continue with the aim of achieving other agreements.
He said among the next points to be discussed are the contempt of the National Assembly and evaluating the proportionality for political minorities.
He added that this negotiating table is a step forward for the "consolidation of peace for Venezuela" and "for a concerted solution to the problems of Venezuelans."
Opposition deputy Timoteo Zambrano, of Cambiemos, said that he has joined the dialogue to leave behind "political confrontation without exit".
"We will continue to agree - he said - to remove the obstacles that damage democracy, it is not an easy road but it is different; we commit ourselves to act with transparency and seriousness."
Claudio Fermín, from Solutions for Venezuela party, said both parties have agreed to reject the coercive measures applied against the country.