Vigil at guerrilla cemetery in Bitlis

Vigil at guerrilla cemetery in Bitlis

People in Bitils have been on an alternate vigil at the Xerzan Martyrs' Cemetery since it was attacked and demolished by unidentified persons on 24 August. The vigil is also joined by members of BDP (Peace and Democracy Party), HDK (People's Democratic Congress) and KESK.

The cemetery in the village of Olek has been formed recently for six PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) militants who died in 1993.

Hundreds of people are working for the re-construction of the cemetery which – local people say- was demolished with construction equipments, allegedly accompanied by a police panzer.

BDP, DTK (Democratic Society Congress) and NGOs in Bitlis stronly condemned the attack against the cemetery of Kurdish guerrillas, commenting the attack as the manifestation of the state's disrespect and intolerance of Kurdish people's martyrs and their graveyards.

DTK said the attack was a provocation targeting the peoples' feeling of coexistence in the currently ongoing process. DTK called on all Kurdish people to protect the martyrs of Kurdistan and their values.