Vigil in front of OPCW against Turkish attacks and international silence continues

Activists have been protesting in front of the UN organization OPCW for two weeks, demanding an investigation into the use of chemical weapons by the Turkish military in the Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).

The Kurdish organizations in Europe continue to hold a permanent protest in front of the UN Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the Hague, the Netherlands.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, the activists gather in front of the OPCW and urge the UN organization to carry out its task in relation to the Turkish chemical weapons attacks on the Medya Defense Zones and to conduct appropriate investigations.

The protests are organized by the Kurdish Women's Movement in Europe and the Kurdish umbrella organizations in Belgium and the Netherlands, NAV-BEL and DEM-NED. The activists announced that they will continue their action until the OPCW fulfils its task.

The activists have today condemned the OPCW's insensitivity and reluctance to accept a delegation from Britain that wished to present a file containing evidence of the Turkish state's use of chemical weapons.

The flights of internationalists from England, who planned to participate in the demonstration on Tuesday (May 17), were cancelled just an hour before departure. The internationalists planned to submit a file to the OPCW containing evidence of the Turkish state's use of chemical weapons.

The KCDK-E co-chair Yüksel Koç led a delegation and tried to present the file containing the evidence, but the delegation was prevented from handing in the file. The activists reacted that international institutions, especially the OPCW, were partners in the attacks with chemical weapons.