Visitors banned from attending the HDP group meeting in parliament

The political genocide against HDP continues. The government has banned visitors from attending the party’s group meeting.

Visitors attend the group meetings held by political parties every Tuesday, but it’s banned for the HDP, cornered in a political genocide. While visitors to AKP, MHP and CHP group meetings went in unhindered, party members who were planning to attend HDP’s group meeting were obstructed. The HDP Group officially notified the Dikmen and Çankaya gates of the Parliament about the names to be visiting, but people on the list weren’t allowed to enter. The people facing this obstruction are those who attended the meeting the previous week. Only first-time visitors were allowed through to the group meeting. The HDP Group wasn’t informed of the reason for this obstruction.


Representatives from the NGOs banned from activity by the Interior Ministry were invited to HDP’s group meeting this week. Some NGO representatives couldn’t enter the Parliament.

Party spokesperson Ayhan Bilgen is giving a speech in the group meeting to be held without visitors.