"We are discussing peace” meeting by the Peace Council of Turkey

"We are discussing peace” meeting by the Peace Council of Turkey

Peace Council of Turkey will hold a “We are discussing peace” meeting in the Turkish capital Ankara on September 7.

The meeting will handle the steps needed to be taken by the Turkish government and labor and democracy powers in the country for the advancement of the democratic resolution process in search of a peaceful solution to the Kurdish question.

During the meeting DTK (Democratic Society Congress) co-chair Ahmet Türk, BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş as well as representatives of unions and non-governmental organizations will express their opinions about the ongoing resolution process.

The meeting's program is as follows;

* Hakan Tahmaz - Peace Council of Turkey Term's Spokesman / Opening speech

1. Session

“Chances for peace, obstacles and Wise People experience”

Moderator: Esra Çuhadar – Academician at Bilkent Üniversitesi

* Levent Korkut - Hacettepe University, “Assessment of the reports by delegations of Wise People Commission”

* Zübeyde Teker – President of TUAD-FED, “Demands highlighted during negotiatons”

* Ahmet Faruk Ünsal, President of MAZLUMDER, “The government's approach towards the reports of delegations of Wise People Commission”

* Öztürk Türkdoğan, Chairperson of IHD, “Opportunities for the socialization of peace”

II. Session

“What is going on in the Middle East, Mesopotamia and Kurdistan?”

Moderator: Ahmet Kardam – Investigative Author

* Ahmet Türk, Co-Chair of DTK, “What is the part of Kurds in the peace process? How will the future of Kurds be shaped?”

* Ceyda Karan – Journalist, “War in Rojava and Syria”

* Arzu Yılmaz - SBF, “The role of Kurds in four parts in the remodelling of Kurdistan and the Middle East”

III. Session

“Our responsibilities and programs in the peace process”

Moderators: Hakan Tahmaz, Gülsen Ülker, Azime Bilgin

- Parties in the Turkish Parliament: “Which steps will you take for the solution of the Kurdish question and in which way will you overcome the obstacles? (Especially in respect to legal arrangements, preparation of the society and in the scope of parliamentary team work)”

* Selahattin Demirtaş – Co-Chair of BDP

* Hasan Ören - CHP Manisa deputy

- Unions, political parties, NGOs and platforms

“Which steps will you take in which way in the peace process?”

* Representatives of KESK, DİSK, TMMOB, TTB, ABF, Halkevleri, Initiative of Women for Peace, 78’s Initiative, anti-capitalist Muslims, PSAKD, İHD, MAZLUMDER, Revolutionary 78’s Federation, ÖDP, EMEP, HDP, SDP, ESP, YSKP, Yeşiller ve Sol, DSİP, EHP.