WHO: 2/3 of world's population without access to health in 2030

According to the WHO, in 2030, two thirds of the world's population will remain without access to health system.

On the eve of the beginning of the United Nations General Assembly, where a Declaration on Universal Health Coverage must be approved, the World Health Organization, WHO, has published a report on the subject.

Presented by its Director General, Adhanom Ghebreysus, the report states that in 2030 two-thirds of humanity, won't still have access to health insurance or public health care.

According to the study of the agency, it is necessary to double the investments in health, at least during the next ten years, to achieve the goal of a health for all, which translates into the need for investments worth 200,000 million dollars annually in that field.

The report emphasized the so-called Primary Care, that is, the close treatment of those affected, or prone, by chronic diseases, immunization, pre and post natal care, and health education.

The Director General of the WHO said that if the proposal is carried out, "it can potentially save 60 million lives, increase life expectancy in 3.7 years by 2030 and contribute significantly to socio-economic development."

The report also warned that the increase of proposed funds is feasible, through state investments, in the case of developed countries while in the case of those in the so called third world countries would require foreign assistance.

To exemplify its claims, the WHO estimates that 925 million people spend more than 10% of their income on health expenses, while 200 million currently have to allocate 25% of their income to that same end.