Workers in Iraq and Southern Kurdistan in the streets
Workers have taken to the streets for May 1 in Iraq and Southern Kurdistan to voice their protests.
Workers have taken to the streets for May 1 in Iraq and Southern Kurdistan to voice their protests.
In Southern Kurdistan, celebrations in Hewler (Erbil), Kirkuk and Halabja were led by the Kurdistan Communist Party. The May 1 Workers’ Day was celebrated with enthusiasm as the people voiced their demands.
Hundreds of people gathered on Hewlêr Avenue and marched to the Market Square. Representatives from unions and Communist Party members were present in the demonstration.
People chanted “Bijî yek Gulan”, “No budget cuts” and “Pay our salaries” throughout the march. Activists marched behind a banner that read “Don’t cut the people’s budget, pay workers’ wages”.
Kurdistan Communist Party Secretary General Kawa Mahmut spoke in the Market Square and said, “Iraqi and Kurdistan regional governments should give the workers their rights.”
Mahmut said: “Support should increase so union activity can be fortified. Laws should not harm workers, they should protect the rights of the workers.”
May 1 celebrations in Halabja were held in the Baxê Giştî Park where workers participated with their work overalls and hardhats demanding their wages that they weren’t able to receive for years. Workers also protested the political and economic policies.
Political parties, unions and workers gathered in the Gerek Mehmet Aga Square in Kirkuk to celebrate May 1. Union representatives and workers visited shopkeepers in the marketplace.
In Baghdad, Kerada, Nidal, Sadun and many other provinces of Iraq, May 1 was celebrated with great enthusiasm under the lead of the Iraqi Communist Party.
Women, the youth, factory workers, union representatives and many others participated in the May 1 celebrations held in Baghdad Square in the capital, chanting “Long live May 1” and “Let’s raise the struggle of the workers” and carrying photographs of Karl Marx. Various May 1 celebrations were held in Kerada, Nidal and Sadun as well.