World Kobanê Day celebrated in Sydney

Kurds and their friends celebrate World Kobanê Day worldwide.

In Sydney, the victory over the IS in Kobanê was celebrated in front of the Town Hall. A short statement by the organising committee recalled that the resistance in Kobanê was the first achievement made against the fascist and reactionary IS mindset, adding; “Humanity will never forget the Rojava Revolution”.

Susan Price made a speech on behalf of the Socialist Women's Alliance and said that women in Australia owe a debt of gratitude to the YPJ for their struggle and defeat of the IS darkness.

Kurdish activist Mansour Rezaki recalled the more than 10,000 fallen fighters in Rojava and called for solidarity in the face of the acute threat from the Turkish state.

After the speeches, a children's folklore group performed and poems were read out. The event ended with Kurdish traditional dance ‘govend’.