Wrath of Euphrates fighters advance 25 km to Raqqa
Wrath of Euphrates fighters have advanced 25 km and have liberated 1 more village and 3 hamlets.
Wrath of Euphrates fighters have advanced 25 km and have liberated 1 more village and 3 hamlets.
Operation Wrath of Euphrates fighters are reported to have advanced 10 km since last night until this morning. The fighters moving out from Ayn Isa town have advanced a total of 25 km up to now.
At approximately 9 a.m. this morning, ISIS gangs attacked Al-Hayawî village, which was liberated yesterday, with a car bomb. The vehicle was destroyed 500 m before it reached its destination.
Meanwhile, Al-Mecîd village in Ayn Îsa and 3 hamlets to the east of Ayn Îsa have been cleared of ISIS gangs.