Kurdish youth organisations TCŞ and TekoJIN call on activists to take action everywhere

Jinên Ciwan ên Têkoşer and Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger called on Kurdish youth to take action wherever they are in Europe to strike the final blow to fascism, isolation and occupation, and to join the demo in Freiburg on 13 February.

European Kurdish youth movements Jinên Ciwan ên Têkoşer (TekoJIN) and Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger (TCŞ) issued a written statement regarding the Turkish state's invasion attack on the Gare in ​​South Kurdistan.

The statement said: "The fascist Turkish state is carrying out military attacks and bombardments in Gare. These attacks are helped by the betrayal of the KDP as the anniversary of the 15 February international Conspiracy approached. The departure of Turkish army vehicles from the South, has once again revealed the dimensions of betrayal.”

The statement added: “The youth of Kurdistan will protest these attacks and betrayal in the clearest and hardest way. TCŞ and TekoJIN will raise our struggle wherever we are. All Kurdish youth living in Europe should act against these attacks with the slogans "Bi Hev Re Serhildan". We call on the Kurdish youth to protest and expose the informer mentality in Kurdistan, taking a national stance against the anti-Kurdish hostility. We call on youth activists to take part in the Long March protests in Germany and France. We call on all Kurdish youth wherever they are in Europe to act and strike the final blow to fascism, isolation and occupation, and to join the demo in Freiburg on 13 February."