Yesterday’s balance sheet of the Kobanê war in its 15th day

Yesterday’s balance sheet of the Kobanê war in its 15th day

Fierce clashes continued on 4 fronts –on the eastern, western, south western and southern fronts - in Kobanê last night. 5 YPG and 4 Burkan Al-Fırat fighters lost their lives in these clashes. Clashes with ISIS gangs in Jazaa and Sinjar are also continuing.

The YPG Press Centre said the resistance of YPG forces continues on the 15th day against ISIS gangs attacking Kobanê from all directions with the support of tanks and armoured vehicles.

YPG reported that fierce clashes took place on the eastern, western, south western and southern fronts yesterday throughout the day and all night.

“Fierce clashes took place yesterday on the eastern front in Kazika village; on the western front on Siftek hill; on the south western front in Minazê village; on the southern front in Gulmet village. In addition to the clashes that took place on the battlefield, our forces also set ambushes and launched attacks against gangs in many regions", YPG said, reporting that in all these clashes and operations 57 gang members were killed as far as enumerated, and 1 tank belonging to the gangs was also destroyed.

"5 comrades of ours and 4 fighters of Burkan Al Fırat fighting with a great devotion and will have fallen in the clashes”, said YPG in its statement.

YPG further reported that clashes in Jazaa and Sinjar continue and 1 tank of the gangs was destroyed while dozens of gang members were killed, adding; “The attacks of ISIS gangs on the villages of Misterîha, Kenhû, Hemedan to the southeast of Jazaa and on Dugura village on the foothills of Mount Sinjar continue. Our forces halted the advance of the gangs in these regions, destroyed 1 tank of the gangs and killed dozens of gang members. Intense clashes continue in the region continue. The details of the clashes will be announced later”.