Young people's Long March reaches Duisburg
The young people who marched from Essen reached Duisburg despite fascist provocations.
The young people who marched from Essen reached Duisburg despite fascist provocations.
The second day has passed in the German Long March organized by Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger (TCŞ) and Jinên Ciwan ên Têkoşer (TekoJIN) across 6 countries.
The march started in front of the Essen train station, opened by a banner saying "Defend Kurdistan" written in German and a banner reading "Werin Cenga Azadiyê against betrayal and occupation".
The young people continued their march by chanting the slogans “Bijî berxwedana gerîla” and “Bijî Serok Apo” accompanied by songs.
During the march, leaflets in German were read and distributed. Turkish fascists made provocations and young people responded to these provocation attempts with the slogan "Bijî Serok Apo".
During the march, the youth also collected signatures for the petition to remove the PKK from the list of banned organizations.
Young people walked about 20 km and ended their march in the city center.
The young people made a statement in German emphasizing the end of the use of chemical weapons against the guerrillas and calling on everyone to be on the streets everywhere.
The young people in Duisburg called on all the youth of Kurdistan and their friends to join the march today.