YPG-YPJ representation office opened in Prague

A representation office of Rojava's YPG/ YPJ (People's / Women's Defense Units) has been opened in Prague, capital city of the Czech Republic.

A representation office of Rojava's YPG/ YPJ (People's / Women's Defense Units) has been opened in Prague, capital city of the Czech Republic.

Czech Republic and Rojava representatives attended the opening of YPG/YPJ representation office yesterday.

Representing Rojava cantons, Cizîr Canton Foreign Relations Commission Chairman Dr. Ebdilkerîm Umer, YPG Diplomacy Supervisor Nesrîn Ebdullah and YPG European Bureau representative Îman Derwêş were present at the opening ceremony.

Derwêş gave a speech and mentioned how pleased they were that the bureau opened, and thanked the Czech Republic authorities.

He mentioned Europe’s and the civilized world’s support would give them strength in fighting against gangs.