Assembly of Martyrs’ Families denounces Turkish attacks with chemical weapons in guerrilla areas

The Assembly of Martyrs’ Families denounced the invading Turkish state's use of chemical weapons in its ongoing occupation operation in guerrilla areas in northern Iraq.

In a statement on 12 May, the Press Office of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) reported that the Turkish army carried out attacks with chemical gas and prohibited weapons in the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones on 10-11 May.

The Assembly of Martyrs’ Families in Afrin-Shehba Canton made a statement denouncing the Turkish state’s chemical weapons attacks against guerrilla forces.

The statement made in Kurdish and Arabic in Til Qirah village of Ehdas town was read by Xedîce Îbo and Reşîd Silêman, members of the Assembly.

The statement emphasised that the Turkish state’s use of chemical and poisonous weapons that are prohibited under international agreements is a clear violation of international law and is a crime in every sense.

The statement pointed out that the attacks were carried out in an atmosphere of international silence, which means co-operation and complicity.

The statement urged the international organisations against war crimes to “prosecute the fascist tyrant, terrorist leader Erdoğan and his entourage”, and called on the people of the region to show solidarity with the guerrilla resistance against all kinds of betrayal and collaborators, and to carry out their struggle in every field with all democratic methods.