Graduation ceremony at Kobanê University

Many people attended the graduation ceremony at Kobanê University on Saturday.

250 students graduated from all departments of Kobanê University. With the participation of thousands of people, a graduation ceremony was held at the Kobanê Stadium on Saturday. The celebration started with the reading of the Kurdish anthem ‘Ey Reqib’. The students also visited the Dicle Cemetery of Martyrs and dedicated their graduation to the martyrs.

Speaking at the ceremony, Kobanê University Co-President, Şervan Muslim, said: “The graduation of 250 students is very important and the product of the revolution. The years of struggle and resistance, the legacy of thousands of martyrs and the fact that thousands of people came together today and attended the graduation ceremony of 250 students shows us a lot.”

Evîn Siwêd, Co-Chair of the Executive Council of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, said: “We celebrate this day for all our people. The people of Kobanê are known for their resistance. The name of this city has echoed throughout the world. We commemorate all martyrs and state that we will follow their struggle.”

After the speeches, students received their graduation certificates.