HRE announces the death of a fighter

Announcing the death of fighter Mervan Efrîn in the resistance against the Turkish occupation in Afrin, HRE vowed to liberate their cities from the occupiers and collaborators.

The Afrin Resistance Forces (HRE) released a statement announcing the death of a fighter, Mervan Efrîn. Accordingly, the HRE fighter, who took part in the ongoing struggle and resistance against the occupying Turkish state and gangs within the framework of the second phase of the Afrin Resistance of the Age, fell a martyr while performing his duty on 12 June 2024 "

The statement said: "Our comrade Ehmed Osman, with the nom de guerre of Mervan Efrîn, was born in Afrin, home to the resistance of the age. Afrin is one of the cities of Kurdistan, organised with the light of Leader Apo [Abdullah Öcalan], hardworking and knowledgeable, devoting its noblest sons and daughters to the cause of freedom. With the Revolution in Rojava (West) Kurdistan, our people in Afrin embraced the revolution with a deep patriotic consciousness and paid a heavy price for it.

Our comrade Mervan Efrîn, who grew up in a patriotic family with a culture of resistance and struggle, decided to join the ranks of the Afrin Liberation Forces as his anger against the occupiers and collaborators in our country increased more when he closely witnessed the suffering of our people.

Comrade Mervan waged an uninterrupted struggle by preserving his feelings of revenge from the moment he joined our ranks until his last breath. Based on improving himself, especially in military and ideological aspects, he carried out a relentless struggle, heading to the battle fronts on this basis.

Despite his young age, he did not recognise any obstacles to himself and won a place in the hearts of his comrades with his strong faith and will, his pure and sincere comradeship. He successfully fulfilled all the duties and responsibilities he undertook. He became a revolutionary worthy of the cause of freedom of his people.

As the fighters of the Afrin Liberation Forces, we express our condolences to all our patriotic families on behalf of the esteemed family of our comrade Mervan Efrîn, and we state once again that we will liberate our cities from the occupiers and collaborators."

The identity information of the fallen HRE fighter is as follows:

Nom de Guerre: Mervan Efrîn

First-Last Name: Ehmed Osman

Mother’s Name: Zeynep

Father’s Name: Mustafa

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Afrin Region/ 12 June 2024