KCDK-E calls for protests against Turkish attacks on Rojava

The KCDK-E called on the Kurdish people, all revolutionaries, democratic and intellectual circles, and all those who stand for friendship and humanity to take to the streets to claim the Rojava revolution.

The Congress of Democratic Societies of Kurdistan in Europe (KCDK-E) released a statement calling for action against the Turkish state’s increasingly ongoing attacks on Rojava and North-East Syria.

KCDK-E noted that the colonial Turkish state had been carrying out genocidal attacks in the Kurdistan geography for a long time to realize its genocidal ambitions.

The statement pointed out that: “The AKP-MHP fascist warring government, which is in a complete deadlock, has been launching a severe bombardment against North-East Syria since this morning as a new investment for the upcoming elections. The attacks were directly aimed at energy sources, civilian settlements and the vital supply facilities of the population.”

“The genocidal Turkish state’s foreign minister, Hakan Fidan, has, with his threats, brought the aggression against the region to the level of vengeance, so much so that one of the goals of the attacks is to provide ISIS with an opportunity for re-organization,” the statement said.

KCDK-E pointed out that: “The fascist Turkish army is committing a war crime by dragging the region into instability and targeting service facilities and substructures. These attacks against North-East Syria are against the international law and the Turkish army is committing a crime against humanity. Dictator Erdoğan and the genocidal Turkish state constitute a great threat to the region.”

The statement continued: “This aggression, which comes on the eve of the 9 October conspiracy (against Abdullah Öcalan) is directed against the Rojava revolution and all the achievements of the Kurdish people. The genocidal Turkish state finds itself in a deadlock in the face of international support against the international conspiracy and attacks North-East Syria with the intention of annihilation.

The silence of the Syrian state, Russia and international powers against the Turkish attacks is an approval of Kurdish genocide. We strongly condemn the ongoing attacks by the Turkish state and we call on everyone to take a stand against them.”

The KCDK-E called on the Kurdish people, all revolutionaries, democratic and intellectual circles, and all those who stand for friendship and humanity to take to the streets to claim the Rojava revolution, to ensure active participation in the demonstrations to be staged under the lead of the TJK-E (Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe). KCDK-also called on the Kurdish people to mobilize for the rally to take place in Strasbourg on 10 October to stand up for Leader Abdullah Öcalan and Rojava.