MEPs: Öcalan’s call and the PKK’s ceasefire bring a historic opportunity for peace and democracy

MEPs stated that Öcalan has taken huge responsibility of negotiating a peaceful future where rights can be achieved through democratic means, and he must be allowed the opportunity to communicate freely and intervene in the political debate.

Through the İmralı Delegation of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan made the historic ‘Call for Peace and Democratic Society’ on 27 February.

Responding to Öcalan’s call on 1 March, the Executive Committee of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)said they agreed with the content of the call as it was and stated that they would fully comply with and implement the requirements of the call on their part. In order to pave the way for the implementation of Öcalan’s Call for Peace and Democratic Society, the PKK declared a ceasefire, stating: “None of our forces will take armed action unless attacked. Beyond this, only the practical leadership of Leader Öcalan can make matters such as laying down arms practical.”

A group of members of the European Parliament issued a statement titled “A Call in Support of Peace and Democracy in Turkey” calling for action to take this historic opportunity for a sustainable peace process.

The statement by MEPs reads as follows:

The appeal by PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and the subsequent unilateral ceasefire declared by the Kurdistan Workers' Party bring a historic opportunity for peace and democracy not only for Turkey, but for the entire region.

The task now is to create the political and legal conditions for peace and democracy to become a reality. These include a return to the rule of law, the release of political prisoners, an end to the replacement of elected mayors with appointed trustees, and an end to cross-border military activities.

This opportunity will have implications far beyond the region and requires international support.

As Members of the European Parliament, we appeal to those responsible in Turkey not to let this vital opportunity pass and to take further concrete steps towards a sustainable peace process. And we call on the EU Commission to play their part.

Abdullah Öcalan has taken huge responsibility of negotiating a peaceful future where rights can be achieved through democratic means. He has the trust of millions of Kurds, but he must be allowed the opportunity to communicate freely and intervene in the political debate. We therefore call on the EU Commission to actively support the creation of conditions that will allow Abdullah Öcalan to play his vital role in a peace process.

Despite the PKK declaring a unilateral ceasefire and affirming their intention to dissolve the organisation, Turkish forces are continuing to attack the area of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in which the PKK have their bases. There can be no conceivable excuse for such attacks, which will only serve to prevent the PKK from being able to move forward onto a democratic path. Instead, they need security guarantees that can allow them to hold a congress, and allow their members to find a new civilian role. There is also no excuse for Turkey’s attacks on the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, which has never posed any threat to Turkey. The attacks by Turkey and their proxy militias, and Turkish intervention against the recent agreement between North and East Syria and the interim government in Damascus are a major source of instability in this fragile region. We call on the EU Commission to put pressure on Turkey to end their cross-border attacks in Iraq and Syria.

Öcalan’s call seeks peace through democracy. For any peace to be lasting, people need a democratic route through which to achieve their rights and resolve their grievances. Turkish backsliding on democracy has, ofcourse, long been a subject of concern for the European Union. We call on the EU Commission to reinforce the link between EU Turkey relations and the practice of democratic norms."

Leila CHAIBI, France, The Left

Andreas SCHIEDER, Austria, S&D

Leoluca ORLANDO, Italy, Greens/EFA

Per CLAUSEN, Denmark, The left

Damien CARÊME, France , The Left

Ana MIRANDA, Spain, Greens/EFA

Brando BENIFEI, Italy, S&D

Özlem DEMIREL, Germany, The Left

Marina MESURE, France, The Left

Anthony SMITH, France, The Left

Irene MONTERO, Spain, The left

Hanna GEDIN, Sweden, The Left

Jonas SJÖSTEDT, Sweden, The Left

Isabel SERRA, Spain, The Left

Martin Schirdewan, Germany, The Left

Evin INCIR, Sweden, S&D

Li ANDERSSON, Finland, The Left

Erik MARQUARDT, Germany, Greens/EFA

Vicent MARZÀ, Spain, Greens/EFA

Rudi KENNES, Belgium, The Left

Rima HASSAN, France, The Left

Vladimir PREBILIČ, Slovenia, Greens/EFA

Jaume ASENS LLODRÀ, Spain, Greens/EFA

Krzysztof ŚMİSZEK, Poland, S&D

Cristina GUARDA, Italy, Greens/EFA

Nikos PAPANDREOU, Greece, S&D

Pasquale TRIDICO, Italy, The Left

Estrella GALÁN, Spain, The Left

Irena JOVEVA, Slovenia, Renew