Names of civilians killed and injured by attacks on NE Syria

The Turkish state and mercenary allies have been heavily attacking northern Syria since the launch of Turkey’s incursion into the region on Wednesday.

Heyva Sor a Kurd announced the names of some of those killed or wounded by the attacks of the Turkish army and allied mercenaries against North and East Syria.

Names of the slain civilians:

*Fadî Seberî Hebsono (32) killed in a bombardment on his house in Beshiriye neighborhood of Qamishlo

*Colyêt Yaqûb Nîkola (30): killed in a bombardment on Beshiriye neighborhood of Qamishlo

*Mihemed Hac Îsmaîl: killed in a bombardment on his car in Metkalta village of Gire Spi

*Rebîa Îsmaîl: killed in a bombardment on his car in Metkalta village of Gire Spi

*Ekrem Yusiv: killed in a bombardment on Qamishlo

Names of the injured civilians:

*Rêzan îsmaîl (9), injured in Metkalta village of Gire Spi

*Abdulxenî Hemo (17): injured in Qamishlo

*Delîl Musa (32): injured in Xerbî neighborhood of Qamishlo

*Basil Meter Mihemed (19): injured in Serêkaniyê

*Yehya Îbrahîm El-Casim (25): injured in Dirbêsiyê

*Ehmed Xidir Dender: injured in Asme village of Kobanê