Occupation forces abducted at least 30 people in Afrin in May

The Turkish state established a complete terror regime in Afrin, which it occupied in 2018. Kidnapping, torture, execution, extortion and plunder have become daily crimes.

The Violations Documentation Centre published its report on the crimes committed by the occupying Turkish army and its gangs in Afrin in May.

According to the report, gangs affiliated to the Turkish state abducted 30 people in total during the month of May.

According to the report, the abductions took place in various regions of Afrin. The distribution of abductions in some regions is as follows:

- Jindires: 7 people on different dates.

- Mabeta: 5 people.

- Rajo: 6 people.

- Şêrawa: 1 person.

- Shera: 5 people.

- Bilbil: 2 people.

- Rural Afrin: 3 people.

- Other regions: 1 person.

The Turkish state established a complete terror regime in Afrin, which it occupied in 2018. Kidnapping, torture, execution, extortion and plunder have become daily crimes.

By documenting human rights violations and abductions by the Turkish army and its gangs in Afrin, the Violations Documentation Centre is trying to draw the attention of the international community to these inhumane acts. The report highlights the fact that abductees are often held arbitrarily and forcibly, and points to the deteriorating security situation in Afrin.

According to the Crime Documentation Centre, at least 28 people were abducted in April. According to the same source, at least 435 people were abducted in Afrin in 2023. Among them are children and 180 patients.