Peoples take to the streets across Rojava in protest at the occupation of Afrin

The people of North and East Syria took to the streets on the 6th anniversary of the launch of Turkey's genocidal campaign for the occupation and annexation of Afrin.

Protest marches were staged  in many cities in northern Syria on the sixth anniversary of the launch of the Turkish state's invasion attacks against Afrin. As a result of these attacks, the Turkish state and its gangs occupied Afrin in March 2018 and established a complete terror regime. A new war crime is committed almost every day in the occupied Kurdish lands. Crimes such as kidnapping, execution, torture, looting, forced displacement and the construction of colonial houses are committed on a daily basis.


In Kobanê, a mass march was organised from Martyr Egîd Square to Jina Azad Square. Civil society organisations, women's movements, representatives of political parties and many people participated in the march.

Almas El Romî, Co-Chair of the Euphrates Canton Ecological Institution, said: "The defeat of ISIS gangs by the people of North and East Syria did not please the Turkish state. The occupying Turkish state therefore attacked and occupied Afrin. The lands of Afrin were occupied, its trees were cut down and burnt. Let us raise our voice against the occupying Turkish state and its gangs. Let's expel them from our lands. The people of Afrin must return to their lands and homes."



Afrin IDPs, members of civil society organisations, PYD (Democratic Union Party), Future of Syria Party and Zenubiya Women's Community Council made a joint statement in Raqqa.

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) member Ebdulhemid Al Berazi made a speech and said, "We once again condemn the occupation of Afrin by the invading Turkish state. After 6 years of occupation of Afrin, inhumane crimes are being committed against people, stones and trees in the region today. The occupiers want to destroy the identity of the people of Afrin. They are destroying nature, cutting and burning trees. Women are the target of the occupiers."


The protest march in Tabqa was attended by members of the Civil Administration, Future of Syria Party, women's movements, youth, tribal elders and residents.

Speaking on behalf of the Democratic Civil Administration, Tabqa Canton Executive Council Co-Chair Hind El Elî said: "We will continue our struggle until Afrin is liberated and the occupying Turks are expelled from the region. The invading Turkish state wanted to occupy Afrin and change its demography. However, this attempt failed as the people rallied around the Afrin forces."


Fatme El Ehmed, member of Shehba-Afrin Immigrants Office, said in her statement that women put up heroic resistance against the occupying Turkish state. Paying tribute to the heroes of the struggle, such as Martyr Avêsta Xabûr, Barîn Kobanê and Karker, Fatme El Ehmed said that women in Afrin resisted until the last moment not to leave their lands.


A large number of people marched in Sheikh Maqsoud (Şêxmeqsud) and Ashrafiyeh (Eşrefiyê) neighbourhoods of Aleppo. During the march, photographs of Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Afrin martyrs and guerrillas were displayed.

In a statement after the march, HPC (Social Defense Forces) Executive Fehmî Hemid reacted to the international silence against the genocide committed by the occupying Turkish state and its gangs in Afrin.

Rewşan Mihemed, Co-Chair of the Council of Martyrs' Families, called on the international powers to put pressure on the invading Turkish state to withdraw from the occupied territories.


Migrants from Afrin and residents of Shehba also took to the streets on the anniversary of the occupation. Thousands of people marched carrying pictures of Abdullah Öcalan, olive branches and pictures of the martyrs of the massacre.

Mistefa Hesen, a member of the Council of Martyrs’ Families, saluted the resistance of the people of Afrin and said, "The people of Afrin managed to survive thanks to a great struggle with their free will to protect their honour against the attacks of the occupying Turkish state."

Muşîr Reşîd, Member of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration of Afrin and Shehba Canton, said: "The people of Afrin, like Avêsta, Barîn Kobanê and other martyrs, put up great resistance against the enemy's attacks for 58 days. They put up the Resistance of the Age to confront the occupation attacks."