PYD Women's Council distributes school supplies to the children of martyrs in Girê Spî

PYD Women's Council distributed school supplies to the children of the martyrs in Girê Spî canton.

The Democratic Union Party (PYD) provided for the school needs of the children of the martyrs in the Girê Spî canton.

The children gathered at the Ain Issa Martyrs' Families Assembly where they were given basic educational materials such as bags, books, notebooks and pencils.

Women's Council member Fedile Mihemed told ANHA that they pay great respect to the sacrifices of the martyrs and added that one way to honour the memory of the martyrs was to make sure and provide for their children.

Fedile underlined that the “school materials given to the children are in fact a very small contribution compared to what the martyrs gave to their people.”