TEV-DEM calls for the recognition of Yazidi genocide, closure of airspace to avoid further massacres

TEV-DEM calls on the international community to recognize the Yazidi genocide and to close the airspace of Shengal against Turkish attacks, saying that the UN’s negligence encourages the Turkish state to expand its occupation and commit further massacres.

The Movement for a Democratic Society (TEV-DEM) in North-East Syria released a statement on the anniversary of the Yazidi genocide perpetrated by ISIS in Shengal (Sinjar) on 3 August 2014.

TEV-DEM commemorated the victims of the genocide committed in Shengal by ISIS with the support of the Turkish state and other local and international powers.

“The KDP connived at the ISIS terrorists settling in the city and committing a genocide against the cultural and historical legacy of the Yazidi people. Thousands of Yazidis lost their lives and suffered gravely, especially the women and children who were taken captive. The Yazidi people dubbed this onslaught the ‘74th genocide’, as a continuation of the massacres they had suffered before. The history of our Yazidi people is full of resistance, struggle, national attitude and humanitarian values that protect the cultural legacy, essence and existence of their society. Today, these values are faced with a policy of genocide,” said TEV-DEM.

Referring to the UN-backed agreement concluded between Baghdad and the KDP on 9 October 2020 in line with the interests of the invading Turkish state, TEV-DEM stated: “This agreement seeks to complete the genocide against the Yazidi community and to crush their essence and spirit of resistance. Yet, a contemporary historic resistance was developed to build a social democratic system in Shengal and Nineveh Plain with a resurgent spirit which was encouraged by the sacrifices made by the Kurdistan Freedom Movement to claim this legacy. This resistance became the beginning of a contemporary revolution on the way to reviving and organizing the Yazidi community through the founding of democratic institutions and resistance units that defeated terror and liberated Shengal.”

TEV-DEM called on the international community, the UN Security Council and institutions for the protection of ethnic-religious minorities to uphold their moral duties and responsibilities to protect the will of peoples facing massacre and genocide and to stop the crime of demographic change.

The statement concluded: “We also call for the closure of the airspace in Shengal, Maxmur and South Kurdistan (North Iraq) regions that are continuously targeted by Turkish airstrikes. The UN, which does not recognize this genocide and avoids bringing those responsible to account, is responsible for such massacres and crimes against humanity. The UN’s negligence encourages the Turkish state to expand its occupation and commit further massacres against people.”