TEV-DEM salutes the PKK's 'history full of struggle’

The Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) made a statement on the occasion of the PKK's 45th founding anniversary on November 27, saying “We salute the PKK's history and consider its patriotic and humane attitudes sacred.”

The Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) released a statement saluting the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and its leader, Abdullah Öcalan, as well as the , PKK revolutionaries and pioneers, HPG and YJA Star guerrillas, political prisoners and the families of martyrs.

The TEV-DEM statement on Sunday includes the following:

“In this process, there was a great need for an intellectual and ideological vanguard that would save society from the physical and cultural genocide policies implemented by the Turkish state. At that time, the announcement of the establishment of the Party stood as a revenge and a historic brealthrough against the fascist and occupying Turkish state. This was also the beginning of a new dawn towards the construction of the great national transformation process that would restore hope and trust among sections of Kurdistan society. This step turned into the national liberation and the Kurdistan revolution under the leadership of women and young people. The historic resistance of the Party cadres and pioneers who chose the path of resistance and hard struggle for freedom, in prisons, mountains and cities to defend social, political and cultural values against fascists and Turkish invaders, became a representation of the will of the libertarian region and the peoples of the world.

The history of the PKK is full of struggle. The PKK has faced many obstacles and difficulties due to local and international conspiracies against the philosophy of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement. The fascist Turkish state has been waging a bloody war against the will of the Kurdish people everywhere to this day, carrying out massacres every day, using all kinds of weapons, including banned chemical weapons. These atrocities are being carried out in response to global support campaigns demanding the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Öcalan and demanding a political solution to the Kurdish question and the party's anniversary celebrations.

The resistance of the PKK, which is fighting against the fascist policies of the Turkish state and winning, has expanded and spread every day. This is a result of the will and insistence generated by resistance through legitimate self-defense methods. The PKK has made great sacrifices in terms of moral and conscientious support for the popular resistance in Shengal, Maxmur, Northern and Eastern Syria and Kurdistan.

As TEV-DEM, we salute the history of the PKK and consider its patriotic and humane attitudes sacred. We salute the Kurdish people and all other peoples, freedom fighters and democrats who support the achievement of Abdullah Öcalan's physical freedom and a peaceful solution of the Kurdish question.

We call on all Kurdish, Arab and global political and national forces, civil society activities, women's organizations, cultural and legal organizations to participate in the solidarity campaign. This move shows the strength and will of the societies' efforts to create a common solution for the realization of the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Öcalan. It is the most appropriate solution model for the crises experienced by this region and the world.”