Turkish army continues its attacks on Til Temir

The Turkish state has been carrying out violent attacks against Manbij, Til Temir and Ain Issa since the launch of the SDF Operation Security Reinforcement against ISIS and criminal elements in Deir ez-Zor region on 27 August.

Attacks by the Turkish army and its Islamist proxy forces against the autonomous region of northern and eastern Syria continue increasingly.

The Turkish army has carried out more attacks on the district of Til Temir (Tal Tamr) since last night.

According to reports from the ground, the invading army attacked the village of Til Cuma with howitzers last night.

The Turkish army and allied mercenaries carried out another bombardment on the village of Şêx Elî on Monday. Details about the aggression were not immediately available.

Largely unnoticed by the Western public, Turkey is waging an open war against northern and eastern Syria, bombing civilian settlement areas, autonomous administration facilities or units of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on a daily basis.

The district of Til Temir, which is located a good 30 kilometres from the Turkish border in the Christian-dominated Khabur Valley, is one of the preferred targets of Turkey and its Islamist proxy troops. Til Temir holds a key position in Turkey's occupation plans because the M4 passes through the district. The international traffic route is considered the lifeline of northern Syria, because it connects the Euphrates and Cizîrê regions with each other.

Til Temir and its population have been in the crosshairs of the aggressors since 2019 as part of a war of attrition, with phases of high intensity alternating with phases of low intensity. Over thirty villages have since been either occupied, depopulated or extensively destroyed. Almost as many villages lie directly on the front line - and thus in the permanent sights of the occupying forces.

Attacks in the region occur almost daily, with phases of high intensity alternating with phases of low intensity. 27 villages in the Khabur valley are directly on the front line. Five of all Assyrian villages in the region have already been depopulated by Turkey's attacks. Scores of people have been killed in the attacks and dozens injured. The Syrian troops stationed in Til Temir and the Russian military are not fulfilling their function of complying with a de-escalation and ceasefire agreement agreed between Ankara, Moscow and Washington in the course of the 2019 war of aggression.