Turkish drone attack on a car in Kobanê injures two members of Internal Security Forces

Two members of the Internal Security Forces were wounded in a UCAV attack carried out by the occupying Turkish state against a vehicle in Kobanê.

According to a written statement issued by the Internal Security Forces in North and East Syria, an Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) of the Turkish state targeted a vehicle belonging to the Internal Security in Kobanê on Monday.

The Internal Security Forces said that two of their members were injured as a result of the attack.

‘This attack on our forces is a clear message proving the Turkish state’s aspiration to prevent our forces from carrying out their duties ahead of the municipal elections,” the statement said.

The statement pointed out that: “The attack also paves the way for gangs and criminals to disrupt the security and stability of our regions. This attack increases our determination and resolve to work harder than ever to maintain a safe and stable society.”

Turkey has been targeting the civilian population, the Autonomous Administration and the military organisations affiliated with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the autonomous region of northern and eastern Syria with drones for years. The airspace over Syria is controlled by the USA and Russia. The international community is ignoring the drone terror, which began in June 2020 with the murder of three representatives of the women's umbrella organization, Kongra Star, in Kobanê. According to data from the Rojava Information Centre and the Autonomous Administration, Turkey has already carried out more than a hundred drone attacks in the region this year. At least 28 people have been killed and 44 others injured. Most recently, four SDF members were killed in drone attacks and eleven other people were wounded last Friday.