Turkish occupation attacks on northern Syria continue

The Turkish army is continuing its occupation attacks against the autonomous regions of northern and eastern Syria unabated.

The belligerent aggression of the Turkish army and its jihadist allies against the autonomous region of North and East Syria continues unabated. The shelling from the Turkish occupation zone continued on Sunday. The target of the attacks was the village of Semûqa in the canton of Afrin-Shehba. According to security sources, the village was bombarded with howitzers.

Semûqa is located around twenty minutes' drive east of Tel Rifat in the immediate vicinity of the Shehba reservoir. The village borders directly on the illegal occupation zone of NATO member Turkey and its mercenaries from the militia organisation ‘Syrian National Army’ (SNA). The region is regularly bombed. The attackers do not differentiate between military and civilian targets. A fortnight ago, four boys and girls aged between 13 and 16 were injured, some of them seriously, in artillery attacks on Semûqa. One of the children later died. Yesterday, a 60-year-old man was injured by Turkish bombs in Tel Rifat.

Violent scenes and attacks resulting in deaths and injuries are a bitter reality in the autonomous region of North and East Syria on an almost daily basis. Following Turkey's invasions between 2016 and 2019, which resulted in heavy losses, Rojava is experiencing a war of varying intensity - in addition to regular air offensives that have already paralysed almost the entire infrastructure of the self-governing territories. The fact that Ankara is still able to continue its aggressive course in systematic violation of international humanitarian law and commit war crimes and human rights violations in line with imperialist endeavours - the expansion of the occupation zone in Syria - is also due to the international community, which largely ignores its partner's state terror against the population of northern and eastern Syria.