Two children injured in Turkish attacks in Shehba

Two children have been injured in Turkish artillery attacks in Shehba, one thirteen-year-old is in a critical condition. Attacks are also reported from Manbij, and Turkish drones are in use in both regions.


The Turkish army and its jihadist mercenary troops are continuing their attacks on the autonomous region of northern and eastern Syria. In Shehba, the villages of Til Mediq, Semuqa, Til Cican and Seda were attacked with howitzers and mortars. During the bombardment, 13-year-old Faris Xelef Îbrahim and 14-year-old Meter Fadir Îbrahim were injured. Faris is said to be in a critical condition. The region continues to be overflown by reconnaissance drones.

Reports are also coming throug of artillery attacks in Manbij. The villages of Toxar and Çat were shelled with at least twenty mortar shells. The attacks were accompanied from the air by reconnaissance drones.

Manbij is located 30 kilometres south of the Turkish border and occupies a key strategic position in Turkey's plans to expand its illegal occupation zone in Syria. The city, which is administered by the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES), is located on the important M4 highway, which runs through northern Syria like a lifeline and was a strategic supply route for the terrorist militia "Islamic State" (IS). Since Manbij was named by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as the primary target for a new invasion of northern and eastern Syria in 2022, the war of attrition against the city has intensified. Attacks by the Turkish army and allied jihadist militias as well as infiltration attempts are occurring almost daily. Since the beginning of the season, farmland and forests in Manbij have also been burning almost every day.

Hundreds of thousands of displaced people from Afrin live in the Shehba region north of Aleppo. With the new social contract of the autonomous region of North and East Syria, both regions were declared the canton of Afrin-Shehba. Afrin was previously considered the safest region in the civil war-torn country of Syria and has been occupied by Turkey since March 2018. Since then, human rights violations and war crimes have become part of everyday life. In addition to a classic colonial policy, Turkey is also practising a policy of ethnic cleansing. The demographic change in favour of Turkey and its Islamist invasion corps, crimes such as kidnappings, torture, extortion and murders as well as ongoing artillery attacks occur on a daily basis and with the de facto approval of the international community.