KODAR: Freedom of society depends on women’s freedom

“Without a doubt, a free society can only be made possible through women’s freedom and Kurdish society has gotten closer to freedom thanks to the struggle of free women,” KODAR said on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

The Democratic and Free Society of East Kurdistan (KODAR) released a statement marking November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Expressing commitment to the “Time to defend free society and free living” campaign, KODAR called on the Kurds and the peoples of Iran to organize stronger than ever.

Laying emphasis on the importance of the struggle led by Kurdish women, KODAR said, “November 25 is not just a day for women and for the elimination of violence against women. At the same time, it is the day of freedom struggle and emancipation from male domination.”

Citing Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan’s saying ‘There can be no free society without free women’, KODAR stressed that freedom in Kurdistan, Iran and the Middle East depends on the freedom of women today. A society can never be free without free women, nor will it survive ecological devastation either.”

KODAR noted that thousands of women and young people have sacrificed their lives in the struggle guided by Abdullah Öcalan’s paradigm based on women’s freedom, adding, “The women martyrs of the Freedom Movement are the real owners of free existence, and they herald the freedom of oppressed societies and women.”

Pointing an all-out struggle as the only way to achieve women’s freedom, KODAR concluded with; “We call upon all women and men, especially the various communities in East Kurdistan and Iran, to organize stronger than ever in the struggle for freedom. Without a doubt, a free society can only be made possible through women’s freedom and Kurdish society has gotten closer to freedom thanks to the struggle of free women.”