'Our place is in the mountains of Kurdistan', say new guerrillas

25 new guerrillas have completed training at the Martyr Erdal School. The young guerrillas explain: “We don’t want to live in a system that turns us into robots.”

Many young people continue to join the guerrillas. 25 young Kurds have completed their guerrilla training at the Martyr Erdal School and made a joint statement. The guerrillas spoke of the fact that the Kurdish people are currently dealing with a question of being or not being. They warned young people in particular that the system was trying to "turn them into robots in its service."

“We don’t want to live in a system that turns people into robots”

The guerrillas continued: "We don’t want to live in a system that turns people into robots. For us there is only one place to live: the mountains of Kurdistan and the freedom movement. On this basis, we joined the guerrillas. As 25 friends, we successfully completed our training dedicated to Martyr Serxwebûn Serhed at the Martyr Erdal School."

The guerrillas added: "We will continue to engage with the apoist ideology and the knowledge gained in this training. We have experienced military discipline, apoist culture and morale. We will use our findings to wage a battle to defeat the system. We call on the Kurdish, Arab young people, the entire young people of the Middle East to join the ranks of the freedom guerrillas of Kurdistan. Let's take a stand against this dirty system. Enough is enough!"

The new guerrillas then went to their new areas of responsibility.