The Kurdish Women’s Center for Foreign Relations (REPAK) issued a written statement regarding the approval of the "Iraqi Personal Status Amendment Law" adopted by the Iraqi parliament.
The REPAK statement on Wednesday said: “The "Iraqi Personal Status Amendment Law" adopted by the Iraqi parliament has been approved by the Iraqi Presidency despite its rejection by the Iraqi Supreme Court. Therefore, this amendment, which women's movements have been fighting for a long time to prevent the ratification of the law and which is known as the "Law on the marriage of girls under the age of 18", has become formalized. The amendment gives Islamic courts extended jurisdiction over family matters, including marriage, divorce and inheritance. Due to the significant agenda of women's movements in Iraq and around the world to fight against the law, the age of marriage has not been officially lowered below 18, but with the authority granted to Islamic courts, the age of marriage will now be set at 9 for girls and 16 for boys, and will be enforced de facto through religious court rulings.”
REPAK pointed out that: “The adoption of the Personal Status Law will deepen sectarianism in society and further violate the unprotected rights of women and children. However, with the approval of this law, the marriage of 9-year-old girls and 15-year-old boys will be possible outside the court without any obstacles. The current amendment was prompted by the fact that Shiite religious groups agreed with Sunni groups to release ISIS prisoners in support of the law. The pardon of ISIS prisoners who committed genocide against Yazidi women and the increasing density of jihadist groups around Shengal have increased the threat of a second major genocide against Yazidi women.”
The statement continued: “At the same time, the present legislators and the Iraqi government are complicit in the genocidal crimes of ISIS with these decisions. The Iraqi government itself will be responsible for any genocidal attacks and crimes against Yazidi women. The parliament also included in this law the law on the return to the confiscated property of those displaced on the basis of the Arabization policy in the disputed areas of Iraq. It is a major tragedy that this law, which is considered positive for the people, was approved together with the authorization of religious courts and the amnesty for ISIS prisoners. The freedom of women and peoples must be defended and protected together, and no rights should be built on the sacrifice of women. We address our appeal to the Iraqi President and the Iraqi government: On the basis of the protection of property law, they must repeal the law on the Authorization of Religious Courts and the law on the amnesty of ISIS prisoners. They must deny their responsibility for these laws that will cause great destruction, moral crimes and sexual abuse against women and children.”
REPAK concluded: “Granting amnesty for sexual and genocidal crimes against Yazidi women will result in incitement to a new crime against Yazidi women. Such a situation is unacceptable for all women of the world. On this ground, we address our appeals to the world women's movements and democratic public opinion: Yazidi women are under the threat of a new ISIS genocide due to the policies of the Iraqi state. Against the threat of genocide, we invite Yazidi women to develop a resistance and become the voice of Yazidi women immediately, that the Iraqi government refuses to release ISIS prisoners and to revocate the laws authorizing religious courts.”